
der Kunde ist König!  Inspired by this German proverb, I  recognize that a customer is king!  I understand that providing the best and most reliable service to customers is a major responsibility and privilege.  In order to achieve the highest level of a customer’s satisfaction, I honor the customer and make every every attempt in dedicating my expertise to provide the best quality and service experience!

23759_4669029120973_588472039_nFrom my childhood, I was thoroughly captivated by the enchanting designs and delightful colors of hand-made rugs entirely compounded by an artist’s emotions, imagination and inspiration.

In 1990, in order to fully learn the ancient art of rug repairing and weaving, I entered one of the private rug schools located at the Grand Bazaar of Tehran. Over a three-year period of study, I acquired great skills, knowledge and experience in learning the art of rug restoration, repair, washing, stain removal process and coloring of wool and other materials including silk and velvet.

After graduating from school, I found immediate employment at the Grand Bazaar of Tehran and practiced my artistry. In 1997, I departed to Turkey in order to work for a company in Instanbul that allowed me to focus solely on rug repairs. Within two months of hire I became lead supervisor of the company’s repairing and restoration division for the following two years. This experience not only honed my skills in general rug repair but also my knowledge of Turkish kilims. In gaining this knowledge it was there that I learned to perfect the restoration process of a kilim’s unique flat woven foundation and geometric designs.    

In 1999, I decided to immigrate to Germany where I began work at the Bankdar Company located in Nuremberg. Grateful for the experience and confidence it gave me in learning the German language, it was then that I decided to advance my practice and began working for the prestigious rug company, Kaschani Company.  I started my work as the supervisor of the respective company until 2007.  Since I was overfilled with enthusiasm, energy and tendency for further prosperity, working at workstations and with the company did not completely fulfill me as I had thousands of creative ideas and innovations just waiting to be executed.  It was at this realization that I decided to establish my own company. 

Although I began working on building a foundation for my company and made good progress, my desire and dream to move to America where I felt I could further advance my company was growing stronger. As my desire grew to be undeniable, along with a dear friend’s insistence to migrate to America, I decided to turn my dreams into reality and move to California. Immigrating to the United States has been everything and more for me and just as I expected, in California, things are completely on track and no impediments are present for those having innovative ideas, creativity and incentives for more advancement.

 Furthermore, in this country, there is a great amount of encouragement and support for those creative people having motivation for innovation and progress.  Now, after several years, armed with the mastery of English language, I have been able to successfully achieve my goals and continue to advance my expertise and craft in support of furthering the success of my company.  In all honesty, I never believed America to be “the land of great dreams” until I myself felt it wholeheartedly.   In sum, as much as I have ability and potential, I hope to greatly advance my company, be a fruitful person taking steps for achieving my goals and plans and eventually, be a component of this hardworking, humanitarian society in the land of great opportunities in order to help it achieve further progress and improvement.  


3 thoughts on “About

  1. Your story is both moving and inspiring! Thank you for sharing it.
    I have a wool rug, purchased in about 1990 and I am sorry to tell you I have nit taken good care of it. It has sun damage, stains and now moths have eaten burrows into one portion of it.
    Can you tell me if it is worth fixing?
    May I send you photos?
    Your expertise and passion are obvious in your story. I hope to meet you just for this!
    Thank you-stay well

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